The best way to spend as less time as possible is to boil all ingredients the day before you need them. To cook the Vinegret salad we need the following ingredients:
Peel as many potatoes and carrots as you like. I always cook a full pot of vinegret as my family really likes it, but I offer you to try it’s taste first, take just one or two of each ingredient and try to find the perfect balance of ingredients, that is a matter of taste.
We also need a preserved kidney beans, (pour off the liquid ) I prefer white beans, but you can also find and use red kidney beans
I always buy pickled cucumbers and pickled cabbage (sauerkraut) in the market. Salted/pickled cabbage and cucumbers have a sour-salt taste, very crispy and juicy.
To make all ingredients look like a salad you have to spend just a couple of minutes. Dice all vegetables (except cabbage and kidney beans of course) as shown in the pics:
Than mix everything together, add a little vegetable oil or olive oil and leave for a couple of minutes to give all mixed ingredient a chance to exchange their flavours. Enjoy!
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Thank you! I would now go on this blog every day!
That looks delicious. I wonder if you can add other spices, herbs to flavor it more…
Maybe some cheese? salad sauce?
Nonetheless, can’t wait to try this one myself with a nice brew of kefir smoothie.
.-= ava cheese´s last blog .. =-.
I have to say that this isn’t the most appetising recipe I’ve seen on this website, but as long as the dressing isn’t very acidic, it would prbably be good. I’m just a more sweet person anyway, and I dont’ much care for salad, but I do love beetroot, so we’ll see!
Thank you for sharing vegetable recipes. I am a vegan, but love to eat and try new recipes. I want to try the Russian vegetarian salad with rosemary. It sounds so good.
Thanks for sharing.
Vinegret is best with chopped fresh dill! Just a tip to all the readers. :] I make vinegret the same way, but I usually put peas instead of kidney beans and I don’t always put saurkraut!
This is a gorgeous salad! I don’t think I ever tried this one when I was in Russian – I had plenty of beets and potatoes, but never in this combination. Thanks for sharing!
.-= Julie @ New Years Eve Party Supplies´s last blog ..KeywordLuv, CommentLuv and Top Commentator =-.
This is my first time on your blog and I really like it. I already learned three things from this article alone:
- pickles are salted cucumbers
- kraut is salted cabbage
- vinegret is Russian.
I am going to try this dish…my girlfriend and I are eating healthier lately (salads, smaller portions etc.) so this would be perfect!
thanks for the recipe!
This salad looks like it would taste great with Bar-Be- Que. Smoked pork or spare ribs to be specific. I will add this to my recipe book. Thank you!
.-= Jennifer @ Natural Hair Restoration´s last blog ..Possible Genetic Link found for Hair Loss. Could a cure for baldness be near? =-.
Wow. I don’t think it can get any better. Gorgeous and healthy salad. Ideal to start of the day. I always stick to salads more than other food. Appreciate the effort. Cheers
Interesting indeed. I’m a huge fan of vegetables. And this blog gave me some awesome insights on them. I’m surely going to try this out. Cheers
Thanks for sharing the salad recipes. I would definitely like to check out the Russian Vinegret as you have said that the taste of boiled beet and carrot would be absolutely different in this one.
Looks delicious your russian vegetarian salad. I am not for normal a vegetarian but exeptions like this are possible
Thank you for posting this amazing recipe.
Certainly mouth watering. A salad is my favorite dinner meal. After work I really dont have the time and energy to prepare a meal and I always rely on salads as they are easy to make, healthy and helps me stay in track with my diet.
Vinegret is pronounced not like [vee-nee-grate], but [vee-nee-gret]. It’s a closed syllable and that’s how Russians pronounce that.
.-= Mike for Hair Loss´s last blog ..Natural Products For Hair Loss =-.
I’ve always made it with lima beans instead of kidney beans, I think it makes it more buttery. Delicious dish! But why limit it to New Years Eve?
Every time we visit our Russian friends in New York City, they make vinegret for us. That’s because I always ASK for it before the visit!
.-= Junes´s last blog .. =-.
I’m fortunate enough to have a Russian wife who makes vinegret all the time, and I can’t get enough of it!
.-= Gordon´s last blog .. =-.
Vinegret is one of my favorite salads that I often prefer over other high calories fatty foods. In my opinion, Russian foods and most precisely Vinegret salad is a great food item for those who are weight conscious and who love vegetables. I have made it a regular part of my diet and really love it.
.-= Brian wireless laser printer´s last blog ..The proper way to connect a Wireless Printer =-.
This looks very tasty, I like Russian food, but I had never the opportunity to try it, unfortunately.
Thanks for sharing story with us. I wanna try the Russian vegetarian salad with rosemary. It sounds so good.
thanks for the recipe!
wow really hello wow !! simple in love with that Russian vegetarian Salad. and looking very delicious and tasty. have to try it out for sure. Great and Rocking One ! !
As a vgetarian, I am always looking for ways to make my food good looking and good tasting. Good recipe thanks. Vinegret will be on the table soon
To tell you the truth, I hate boiled beets and carrots too. But the recipe you mentioned seems so yummy that I really feel like trying it out. I will take your word for it that the carrots and beets will taste different in this salad. It’s so colorful and looks very nutritious. Thanks.
Vinegret is very delicious. I like russian food, especially Borsch and Pelmeni…
These Russian dishes looks delicious, I’m looking for a restaurant near my town soon. Thanks for posting, you make me hungry.
Health & beauty care´s last [type] ..WEN Cleansing Conditioner Hair Products
Looks very interesting. Actually its not that much different that some of the salads we have here, i wish you could try them.
Selina213 Napkin Rings´s last [type] ..Why make your own Napkin Rings
This is a mouth watery salad. It’s so easy to make . I will try this. This is great for small family gatherings.
I love it! I really love salads. I definitely try this Vinegret. Thanks for this post. Your picture is also great.
YourName´s last [type] ..Proper Motivation to Stay Healthy and Fit
I was deeply intrigue here on this site. I recently commented on the page where Lelik introduced Holodets or Jellied minced meat, I very much thankful for the information I got from the author. I am having some gut sense to find new menus for me to apply for my own satisfaction and when I stumbled here I got myself very much pleased. The said menus here are very tempting I would definitely try this one thank you so much!
I am not a solid vegetarian, but I love eating any forms of potato…
This article really caught my interest, the photos of the Vinegret are so great that i wanted to try them.
Hey Lelik,
While I certainly know this is much better for me and as nice as the pictures of it look, I just don’t think I could give up a great cheeseburger to munch on this instead. I could for a day, but that would be my max
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