Do you know any Russian desserts? Or maybe Russian desserts recipe? I bet you know at least one of them! Just another variation on a sponge cake’s theme. It’s not exactly the classic “sponge cake” but still it’s awesome. You might be already know this recipe but we cook it in Russia as well. I love this dessert as it can be done while guests are washing their hands and tea is brewing! In a blink of an eye! This easy cake recipe is light and fluffy and it tastes delicious!
3 eggs
200 gram butter softened at room temperature
120-150 gram sugar (or by taste)
1 teaspoon baking powder
100 ml milk = 4 fl oz
250-300 gr flour
Fresh berries
Preheat oven to 350 F (180 C)
Prepare berries first! Remove stones and dust with sugar – 2-3 tablespoons. I used cherries as now we have a ton of them! In a medium bowl mix flour and baking powder. In another bowl mix butter and sugar at medium speed for 3-4 minutes, than add eggs one by one, beat until smooth and creamy – 5-7 minutes. Gradually add flour mixed with baking powder and milk started from a flour. Mix at a low speed2-3 more minutes. Pastry should have a sour cream consistence. Make sure the mixture doesn’t get too wet or dry as you go when you used all the flour and milk. Add more milk or flour if it would be necessary. Pour the pastry into your cake tin covered with a cookie sheet. Arrange berries over the top of pastry. Add chopped nuts if you like. Bake for about half an hour or until cooked in middle. Insert a skewer into the centre of cake and if cooked it will come out clean. Now it’s time to serve the table, gather friends and discuss something interesting!
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I just love each and every single picture of your blog! They’re amazing and mouthwatering!
Hi Olga! My name is Al Malekovic and my parents came from Yougolvia (spelled wrong) and my mother made all the dishes. Most of them are like yours are. She has been in Heaven for 45 years and the only recipes my wife makes are strudel and liver dumpling soup. She also made a dish simpler to what you made with the pigs feet but she used chicken feet and neck and other. Where do you live? Al Malekovic
Hi Al, nice to meet you! Unfortunately I can’t understand where your parents came from, may be you meant Yugoslavia? Or “Yougolvia” is a city in Russia, just misspelled? Anyway, I’m happy to meet your acquaintance. Hope my recipes will help you to remember the Taste of your childhood. This site is only 2 weeks old but I’m trying to update my blog every day. If you would like to find anything special here just let me know, may be some Russian food recipes you would like to make at home. I’ll cook and post just for you!
I live in Russia of course!
Yummie…that looks absolutely delicious.What a grand photo also!
what this like pizza??
very delicious i think, can u sent me more receipe of others and where i can get the material of this food because i’m in Indonesia?
Yummie recipies….. simply love them. Nice mouth watering pics .
.-= Shabnam Sultan´s last blog ..Gigantic bubbles boiling on the surface of star Betelgeuse =-.
I’ve been enlightened. I always had the idea that Russian food wa really boring and lots of savory stuff, but that cherry cake looks rustic and amazing.
To a win… No, it’s not like Pizza, it’s sweet, and you should be able to source everything in Indonesia.
I visited your site for the first time and that cake looked so good I decided to make one, although I do not think my cake was as good as you could make, it was very nice, thank you for the recipe, I will be back for more.
.-= spencer @ rustic coffee table´s last undefined ..If you register your site for free at =-.
Yummy! fantastic recipies….. i just love them. Nice mouth watering pics .
Not only do you provide recipes and lovely pictures, but your introductions are always fun to read.
.-= Reina @ Mini Food Processors´s last blog ..KitchenAid Food Processors =-.
I’m salivating when looking at those photos. I will try your recipe soon. I hope my husband and children will like it.
Hi there, your recipes and photos are so great, I love the type of food you make especially the sweet desserts. Thanks
.-= Jeff @ BMX Racing Bikes´s last blog ..Privacy Policy =-.
I can’t wait to make this cherry cake! I spent some time in Russia in the 1980′s, and miss the food very much!
I always enjoy your posts. I have traveled to both Ukraine and Russia several times. I have three daughters that I have adopted from Ukraine and also housed two exchange students, Losha from St. Petersburg and Katya from Nikolaiv, Ukraine. I miss the food terribly. I always felt so healthy while eating Russian foods. I try to add a new recipe every month or so to my cooking. Thanks for sharing
This is the sweet desert I have enjoyed on my last visit on Russia. I was trying to make it myself at home when I found your recipe. Thanks!
i have used this recipe and it was absolutely fantastic. the taste was great, it just made my mouth water.
for all those who are going to try this recipe make sure you follow it to the letter as i did and you cant go wrong.
This looks so delicious! I don’t believe I ever had it when I was in Russia. But you got me reminiscing about meringues (beze, right?) and tea, and that wonderful, creamy farmers cheese you can get in all the grocery stores there (I can’t remember what it was called) mixed with jam. Yum!
.-= Julie @ Matryoshka Dolls´s last blog ..Matryoshka Russian Fairytale Dolls, 30 Pieces, For Collectors! =-.
Wow, this is astonishing, I’m gonna make this recipe for a European project I am doing on Russia!
This is a lovely recipe. Quick and easy to make. By choosing different berries – will make it just that little bit different each time. As well a harvesting our own at the right time, we can now buy fruits out of season – so this recipe can be made at any time you fancy.
.-= Brian@ electric ice cream maker´s last blog ..Making ice cream with an ice cream maker =-.
Oh man, this cake looks good. Definitely gonna give this a try! Who knew cherries would be a Russian delicacy?
.-= Jack Pull Up Bar´s last blog ..Wall Mounted Pull Up Bar =-.
When I visited this site it makes my imagination so yummy.With the pictures posted it really invites me to try this recipe.Thanks on this post i can have easy access on my next dessert plan..
.-= pamsaments´s last blog ..About Us =-.
Man, your recipes, descriptions and photographs always make my mouth water!
Food looks amazing, if I attempt to cook this I can assure you it will not look as good as this lol
Cherry Cake has a lovely golden brown crust. But thing is I can’t taste this dish as I have diabetic problem.
Lelik, Delicious and yummy. I am always fan of such Russian foods.
I actually do not know any Russian recipe, but I do now. Thanks to you
When I first saw the picture, I thought it was a pizza.
Your cherry cake looks so yummy! It looks so moist and gooey, I could almost imagine how good it tastes. I hope mine comes out exactly like the picture here. I’m planning to make this for desert at our family lunch on Sunday. I’ll keep my fingers crossed while baking.
One thing though — it looks more like a large cookie rather than a cake!
I always thought russian food was boring.. obviously not! haha it looks great!
Thanks So Much For This Great Post! It’s Great! You must of worked hard on it
I love Russian Food
The photo is so crisp. It looks like it’s so real. I feel like I’m hungry looking at it. I love to cook. I might also try to cook it.
It looks so moist and gooey, I could almost imagine how good it tastes. I will try your recipe soon. That was so yummy to taste it. Thank you for the recipe that you post.
It looks so moist and gooey, I could almost imagine how good it tastes. If you would like to find anything special here just let me know, may be some Russian food recipes you would like to make at home. With the pictures posted it really invites me to try this recipe.