Russian pancakes. Oladi

by Lelik on July 9, 2009

in Cakes,Pastry,Sweets

Absolutely traditional Russian breakfast! Absolutely amazing taste! Cooking oladi will take no more than 10-15 minutes of your time but they worth every single minute! Nothing can be better on breakfast! Hot, just fried, soft inside and a bit crispy edge! It’s a best breakfast for you and your kids! Serve them with a sour cream, honey, jam or fresh berries and enjoy your breakfast! If you were in Russia and haven’t got a chance to taste Russian oladi – well, I consider you have never been in Russia at all.

Russian pancakes. Oladi

Russian pancakes. Oladi

There are 2 varieties of pancakes – blinchiki and oladi. When I’m traveling overseas I’m almost 100% sure that I can find pancakes  in a menu, but the result I see on my plate is always unpredictable! Blinchiki, oladi – they all are called pancakes but it’s a HUGE difference between them! So, I feel that sharing the traditional Russian pancakes recipe is a necessity to avoid any possible mix ups.  I’ll post blinchiki’s recipe soon, you’ll see the difference by yourself.

To cook oladi you need:

1 egg

1 pt kefir = 0.5 liter

4 tablespoons sugar

pinch of salt

7-8 tablespoons flour

1 teaspoon baking soda slaked in vinegar

Yield: 30-40 oladi , 3-4 servings.

In a medium bowl whisk (I always do it by fork) kefir, egg, sugar and salt – 1 minute, just to blend the ingredients. Than add flour and whisk everything for another 1 minute (by fork or spoon, do not use mixer!). Measure a teaspoon of a baking soda (may be a bit less, not a big deal) and pour it into a tablespoon, fill baking soda with a vinegar (about a half teaspoon) and add fizzy mixture to pastry. Blend just a little bit and pastry is ready! I bet you spent no more than 5 minutes to prepare it! The consistence of pastry should be as a sour cream, a bit thiny than a sponge pastry.  Now it’s time to preheat a fry pan with 5-6 tablespoon of oil, spoon up a pastry and fry in a medium heat 1-2 minutes from each side.



Russian pancakes

Russian pancakes

p.s. American recipes are my new passion! I invite you to share it with me. I’ve just joined Secret Recipe Forum and bought a really interesting and useful resource – Cook book collection with Restaurants recipes, it’s called America’s Secret Recipes. If you like and enjoy food like i do – you should give it a try. Really nice community to be with!

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CommentLuv, KeywordLuv and Top Commentators
July 27, 2009 at 8:21 am

{ 23 comments… read them below or add one }

Dave July 9, 2009 at 5:56 pm

Those look AWESOME. I can’t wait until Saturday so I can make them for the family. Спасибо!

July 9, 2009 at 11:33 pm

he fruit makes the pancakes really look good. Will be trying this recipe very soon.

Juls July 10, 2009 at 1:39 pm

Love them, I wanna try oladi!

Lelik July 10, 2009 at 6:48 pm

Dave, thank you very much! Their taste is awesome as well, if you have difficulties cooking oladi, I would be more that happy to help or answer to your questions if you have any. Hope your family will be satisfied!

Lelik July 10, 2009 at 6:51 pm

Angela and Juls,

thank you, this recipe is EXTREMELY easy, hope you’ll like them

marie July 15, 2009 at 5:55 pm

All this look very nice. I think I will try too :)

July 18, 2009 at 6:35 pm

I love pancakes and I cant wait to try this too, really curious about what baking soda and vinegar will do to the pancake batter.

Ruri from Free article directory August 20, 2009 at 6:00 pm

I wondering how many type of pancake that rusia have? I seen many topic about different pancake in this blog.
.-= Ruri article directory´s last blog ..The Jeep Wrangler: A Celebration of the Great Outdoors =-.

Tallya October 10, 2009 at 7:49 am

For those who asked, I never tried these but my mom makes them very similar and they are very good :)

Reina from Mini Food Processors November 10, 2009 at 5:33 am

Wow! There are still more variations of the pancake.
The pictures are real nice!
.-= Reina @ Mini Food Processors´s last blog ..Cuisinart Mini Prep Plus Food Processor =-.

Jeff from Electric Fry Pan December 19, 2009 at 9:30 pm

They look really great, I’d love to make this for breakfast. Would go well with many toppings I like. Thanks for the recipe.
.-= Jeff @ Electric Fry Pan´s last blog ..About =-.

Chasey from January 28, 2010 at 3:43 am

Absolutely traditional russian breakfast! absolutely amazing taste! cooking oladi will take no more than 10-15 minutes of your time but they worth every single minute!
.-= Chasey bodybuilding´s last blog .. =-.

Sony February 15, 2010 at 12:13 pm

Those look AWESOME. I can’t wait until Saturday so I can make them for the family. Спасибо!

naz from cape town March 8, 2010 at 3:42 pm

la beautiful pancakes, oh how I love the smell of pancakes in my home when I wake up! So sweet, I cannot wait till tomorrow. When I awake I shall try this wonderful recipe of yours. Voila!
.-= naz town´s last blog ..Top 4 Reviews =-.

Lori from Russian Piroshki Recipe May 8, 2010 at 9:26 am

Those look so good! When I was growing up there was a Russian family nearby that our family was friends with. The mother made the most incredible borscht, and very good blini too. The only things that I ever learned how to make was the piroshki and the meatballs, but I made them often. :-)

I think I’ll have to try your pancake recipe too!
.-= Lori Piroshki Recipe´s last blog ..Comment by =-.

wholesale salvia May 15, 2010 at 11:33 am

Thin layered blini with melted butter.. a true Royal Russian breakfast!

Boah May 25, 2010 at 6:26 pm

I followed the recipe an made oladii for breakfast. I just would like to warn some people that using 1 pint of kefir (2 cups) and only 7-8 tblspoons of flour will yield a very thin and liquidy mixture that will burn right away. You need to add at least double that amount of flour or cut the amount of kefir in half.

law school June 1, 2010 at 6:27 am

Pan cakes are my favorite. But I didn’t try this recipe yet. Thanks for sharing.

Brian from lightweight aluminium panels June 2, 2010 at 10:18 pm

Thanks Lelik, I’ll try this weekend. I love Russian pancakes. I’ve tried the very thin ones. These go great with berries. Can I mix with wheat germ?

Mark from bunn home coffee maker June 22, 2010 at 11:09 pm

I have had Oladi most often with sour cream, and they are absolutely delicious. Would you be able to substitute wheat flour for regular white flour because I normally try to cook healthier? I didn’t know if it would ruin the consistency.

abgajoy from kek lapis sarawak August 4, 2010 at 12:32 pm

At my place we called it ‘Lempeng’. Eat with sweet milk and sometime honey =). When look at the picture look very tasty though make me hungry lol.

Karen from salon August 30, 2010 at 7:01 pm

Mouth-watery recipe. This is good for snacks. I will try to cook it at home paired with non-dairy milk or juice. My kids will surely love this.

Robert F. Filcsik Photography October 12, 2010 at 7:53 am

I love the smell of pancakes in my home when I wake up. The fruit makes the pancakes really look good. These go great with berries can I mix with wheat germ. This look so good.

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